Thursday, December 9, 2010

A Profusion of Pearls! A Profusion of PLASTIC Pearls!

You know how I love vintage beads...especially pearls (even when they're plastic!). They epitomize romance and glamor (my father thought they were bad luck for some reason but my mother didn't!). I find broken pearl necklaces at estate, yard, garage, stoop and barn sales. I salvage the beads that are in good condition and I make necklaces. But not like the usual (think Barbara Bush) pearl necklaces . I don't match the beads and I don't place them in size order (called graduated) and I never, ever create multi-strand necklaces.

When I'm done with the necklaces, I sometimes have just two or three magnificent vintage pearls I make the new ones above. I think they're perfect for people who wear costume jewelry, don't like heavy earrings and want something unique and affordable. They'll be listed in my etsy shop soon.

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