This week's ETT SOTW is Jus Shar Designs, featuring the sewn, knit, and crocheted accessories created by Beth Newbern-Hallam. Beth loves to recyle yarns and fabrics. As she puts it, "I'm really dedicated to using what I have, and repurposing materials into something new." She does buy new materials for use in custom projects, unless the customer specifically requests repurposed materials!
Beth doesn't just get inspired; she is driven! "I just have an internal need to create. I knit and/or crochet every single day. I can't imagine NOT creating. She takes along knitting/crocheting along on trips, car rides...even to her kids' school events!" And if she's not getting the result she wants? "I can just unravel it and start over."
This week, Jus Shar Designs is offering
25% off to anyone who adds
"SOTW" in the message to the seller!
Thanks SO much for the write up!
I just checked out Beth's site. I love the hat selection!!!